We Manage Trade Mark Portfolios
Your trade mark applications and registrations are valuable but can be easily lost if not properly managed. We offer a trade mark management service that is relied on by businesses small and large, who all have one thing in common: they value their trade marks and want to ensure these assets are well looked after.
Here’s how we help.
Update: If you move or change your company name, we will make these changes to your trade mark applications and registrations at no charge. We have seen entire trade mark portfolios lost because the trade mark owner changed addresses (physical and/or email) and did not advise IP Australia, so did not receive renewal notices.
Renew: When your trade marks come up for their 10-yearly renewal, we contact you to ensure this is actioned and these assets are renewed. We can also provide advice about the pros and cons of renewing specific trade marks to help you decide if you want to continue to protect individual assets.
Receive official mail: As your trade marks’ “address for service” we receive official mail sent by IP Australia and/or other IP offices and ensure you receive relevant advice and it is actioned in a timely manner.
Receive third party mail: Typically, legal representatives for third parties will contact your trade mark’s “address for service”. Failure to respond to this correspondence can have dire consequences, so it is vital that it is properly received, assessed, advice provided, and careful, strategic responses are made.
Stop scam correspondence: We can also divert scam correspondence from reaching your business, saving you from costly mistakes. Unfortunately, there are Australian and foreign operators that send ‘renewal notices’ with misleading information and charging exorbitant fees. Our total address service, at no extra charge, keeps you from receiving this mail.
Use our Contact Us form to be in touch to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you.